

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

At Foundation Rehab, we understand the pivotal role the pelvic floor plays in your overall health. Our specialized physiotherapy services are grounded in the latest research and tailored to address a wide array of pelvic floor issues in both women and men. Whether you're dealing with pelvic pain, postpartum challenges, urinary or fecal incontinence, or any other related concern, our skilled and compassionate physiotherapists are dedicated to guiding you towards recovery.

We believe that healing is not merely a passive experience, but an active journey that you embark upon with the guidance of our experts. You can expect a personalized exercise regimen, movement techniques, and lifestyle adjustments. Our mission is for our clients to feel educated in their pelvic floor health & empowered to achieve lasting results. We understand that every individual's journey to pelvic health is different, and our tailored exercises and techniques reflect that understanding. By actively participating in your own recovery, you'll not only accelerate your healing process but also develop habits that promote long-term well-being.